March 4th , 2024
Principal Corner
We are celebrating Lutheran School’s Week this week at Trinity. There will be dress up days, activities and lots of fun things this week as we celebrate that we are a Lutheran School. We are one of many Lutheran Church Missouri Synod schools in our state, which includes preschools, elementary schools, middle schools, high schools and even Concordia College in St. Paul, with even more schools throughout the U.S. and even more worldwide. So why take this week to celebrate being a Lutheran School? We celebrate, understanding that we are just one part of the body of Christ that is here on this earth spreading the Gospel to all corners of the world. We celebrate that we have the freedom to teach about God openly in our schools and train children up in the way they should go. We celebrate that we have a faithful congregation and community that supports Christian Education and has done so since 1890. With the 2024-2025 school year starting in the fall, we will have been in existence for 135 years. We have so much to celebrate, but most of all we celebrate always with our eyes to God, for without Him, we would not be here. Praise God for all the Lutheran schools throughout the world that are teaching children about God and reaching families with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Happy Lutheran School’s Week!
Arriving at school before 8:10 am, please go through the gym unless you are a Preschool parent.
At the end of the day, please remain outside and wait for your student. They are released at 3:05 pm.
When a child is going to be absent, please send a message via Procare (it gets to both the teacher AND the office) OR make sure you are sending a message to both the teacher and the office if not using Procare.
Children cannot be in the school without an adult present. If they are, it is defaulted that they are signed into SAC. There are many different circumstances and we will accommodate whenever necessary.
THANK YOU to Ian & Hope Johnson, Rick & Jill Krautbauer, Trisha & Devin Wetzel, Darsie Stockman, Kay Gottschalk, Emily Youngerberg and Kristin & Brian Rutt for picking up donations.
THANK YOU to Jennifer Stenger & Alicia Brunson and both their kids for helping set up & man the check out at the Silent Auction.
THANK YOU to the teachers and staff for all their support and helping do some calls, setting up, de-escalating stressed out Jacqie and helping with the auction itself. And a HUGE thanks to Annette Schendel for helping talk out some strategies to make it all run smoother next time!
AND finally, THANK YOU to the STUDENTS and PARENTS that helped during the Brunch! Without those that helped, we wouldn’t have had enough people there to serve and make it run!
Lutheran School’s Week Schedule of Events
Mongolia: How Vast Is God’s Love
SUNDAY March 3rd - KICK OFF with Silent Auction & Brunch
3/4/24 Monday: God’s Love Is Big!
Opening Skit: Gym-8:45am
Activity: Live the Light Themed Art Competition
Spirit Day: Neon Day- Get ready to Glow for the week!
3/5/24 Tuesday: God’s Love Is Big, And He Knows Each of Us.
Activity: Live the Light Themed Art Competition
Spirit Day: Wacky Hair and Wear Day
3/6/24 Wednesday: God’s Love Is Big, And We’re Part of His Family.
Chapel Family Project: Help a Mongolian Family Stem Project (Build-a-Ger)
Spirit Day: Jersey Day- support your favorite team
3/7/24 Thursday: God’s Love Is Big, And We Can Trust Him.
Activity: Live the Light Themed Art Competition
Spirit Day: Pajama Day
School Challenge: Bring $1 to help purchase shoe racks for Garuna Christian School in Cambodia and get to wear socks or slippers IN THE CLASSROOM
3/8/24 Friday: God’s Love Is Big, So We Can Celebrate.
Donuts with Dudes: Discipling Center- 7:00am-8:20am
Spelling Bee: gym- 9:00am
Activity: Live the Light Themed Art Competition- Make sure the cross is painted by Friday
Spirit Day: Let’s Celebrate- Wear your favorite Holiday (NO Inappropriate Halloween Costumes)
Closing Program: gym-2:40pm
Tuesday, March 12th, Athletic Recognition Night at Discipling Center at 6:30 pm.
March Choir Dates
Sun, March 17th: 3-5 Choir @ 8 am Service
REGISTRATION for SUMMER CARE Opens FRIDAY, March 1st! A link will be available on our website or click the photo below and it’ll take you to Login, and register for the Summer 2024 Session.
2nd Grade
2nd Grade learned about different habitats and each created their own diorama! They turned out so good!
7th & 8th Grade
7th & 8th have been learning about synthetic materials. They did some drawings about the life cycle of synthetic materials and discussed how important it is to recycle materials so they can be used again!
7th Grade - Bethany Benson - has more playing tests turned in than any other student!
7th Grade - Riley Winter - doing great on trombone! He’s always prepared, has all his gear and is super motivated.
6th Grade - Tenley Sprengeler - has turned in more playing tests than any other 6th Grader (our largest group of band kids)
5th Grade - Louis Ziemke - has turned in the most playing tests in 5th, followed by Analiese Owens, Malachi Benson & then Alese Wolff!
Keep up the good work!
The Accelerated Reader Challenge ended Friday, March 1st. Above are the school standings as of Feb 27th. They will get updated later this week and we will have the final update for you in the next newsletter.
Each day, 5th Grade puts up and takes down the flags! We appreciate their care of our flags, our symbols of faith and country!
In February we collected offering for Hearts for Jesus and we will continue that for MARCH - where we have a specific mission we work to raise money through collections. This year we are helping raise money for school furniture in Garuna, Cambodia so that children can go to school and hear the word of God. (see flier below for examples). So far we have raised enough money for a book case and a wooden desk and bench set! What else can we get for their school?
VBS will be JULY 22 - 26th.
More information to come!
If you want to help, contact Tina Schoenfeld or Angela Winter.
You can also check out the Google Calendar under Parents > School Calendar to subscribe.
Spring/Summer Registration for 6U-8U (birthdays 2016,2017,2018,&2019)
TICKETS $50 per seat, $450 for a table reservation for 8. VIP Tables available $550. Menu to include Tri Tip.
School Closings and Delays
Note that we follow the JWP Schedule, so if you see they are off, we will be following suit.
Emails: TLS will send an email to parents to the email address supplied to the school.
Procare: A Message will be sent out via Procare. Even if you don’t have the app, you should still receive an email with the message.
Text Alerts: Sign up on the KARE 11 and KSTP ABC 5.
Posted on TV Websites: KARE 11, KMSP FOX 9, KSTP ABC 5, and KEYC News 12.
Payments in PROCARE IS NOW LIVE! You now have the option to pay by card within the Procare App for SAC or WAC! Paying by card will have an added processing fee. You also are able to pay via the where you all registered for school. Auto payment via ACH is now also an option for SAC or WAC payments. More information sent via email to all the current SAC or WAC families. We will expand it for tuition and lunch for next school year.
All End of Year Statements for taxes for SAC or WAC charges in 2023 have been mailed out. Please watch your mail for those. All tax information regarding tuition will be sent from the church in the month of January, so keep an eye out for those as well.
Clothing for Cold Weather
What to wear when the weather turns cold? Here are the guidelines we use to determine what the students should wear outside. Be advised that we are very firm on these rules, so please make sure that your child has the appropriate clothing that is needed.
Below 55, they need long sleeves.
Below 50, they need a sweatshirt or jacket.
Below 40, they need a winter coat, head covering (hat, headband or earmuffs, NOT just a hood), and gloves or mittens. If they do not have the correct type of coat, or head covering, they will need to borrow from someone else, or use something from the Lost and Found. We do not have kids stay inside unless they are sick.
To play in the snow, they must also have snow pants and boots. They will need to stand on the sidewalk if they do not have either of these items.
If it is muddy outside, we will require the students to wear boots, even if there is no snow. This is to make sure we don’t track a lot of dirt into the classrooms.
SLEDS that are soft/foam or roll up may be brought and left at school.
EVERYONE should have a pair of tennis shoes that stays at school for gym class and if they forget their shoes.