Trinity Lutheran School is fully accredited through National Lutheran School Accreditation. NLSA is a rigorous national accrediting process designed to evaluate schools based on their unique purpose as Lutheran schools. It helps schools evaluate not only the quality of the academics and programs, but also most importantly the spiritual dimension of the school.
The purpose of Trinity Lutheran School is to equip the child to grow and serve as a disciple of Jesus Christ. What Are The Purposes Of National Lutheran School Accreditation?
The purposes of National Lutheran School Accreditation are to:
Help Lutheran schools - early childhood, elementary and secondary - to improve.
Help all Lutheran schools and centers to evaluate themselves based upon their unique purposes and national standards.
Give appropriate recognition to those schools that complete the process successfully.
Our curriculum exceeds the state objectives in each subject area. We review our curriculum each year and adopt new text books that meet our curriculum. We also are incorporating technology into all of our curriculums to have our students prepared for high school and beyond. We fill out our curriculum with other instructional components vital to a well-rounded education: faith instruction, physical education, computers, music (general, vocal, and instrumental), Spanish, and art.