May 20th , 2024
Principal Corner
After two weeks of using only my push mower, I ordered the belt for my mower last weekend and picked it up Monday. Saturday, I took the deck off the mower, took off pulleys, sharpened blades, replaced the broken belt, redid the other belt, attached everything back together and put the deck back on the mower and started cutting my lawn. I was feeling good that the mower was actually working correctly. After mowing the front, I stopped to clean up the back yard and as I was picking up sticks under the tree, I stood up and whacked by head on one of the lower branches. It hurt. And I got mad. My anger first went to Eugenia, because I had talked about cutting the branches, but she did not want me to do it. Luckily, she was not home so I did not say anything stupid to her and my anger quickly subsided. I realized it was all my own fault for just standing upright and not thinking there might be a branch above me right next to the tree. Isn’t life like that? When things go wrong, we want to blame somebody for why something went wrong. We do not want to look at ourselves as the culprit. We may make some choices that lead to problems, but we are quick to blame others before we even consider it may be our own fault. Luckily, God has given us mercy and sent His Son into the world to die for our sins. We deserved eternal death for our sins, but God has given us eternal life through the life, death and resurrections of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Luckily God gives us more than we deserve. Let us stand firm in our faith and take responsibility for our actions knowing God loves us, cares for us, and forgives us.
Principal Of The Day
Calvin Roberts received the honor of being Principal for a Day today, a family member won the opportunity through the Live Auction at Tribute to Trinity. He enjoyed some fun aspects of being Principal throughout the day, including:
giving morning announcements
getting a special lunch
Extra Recess
pulling a fire alarm and doing roll call
checking in with all the classrooms
bossing Jacqie around….(Just kidding, but he did get to use me as his assistant for a bit)
because the bouncy stuff got rescheduled (see below) - he will get to be the first one through on the reschedule dat (fingers crossed Thursday).
Obstacle Course - Fun Run Prize for whole school for exceeding our goal! We’ve created a schedule so each class gets ample time to enjoy the prize!
this was actually cancelled last minute and rescheduled for Thursday during Picnic Day!
First Grade Fun Run Winners Reward - the First Grade will get to do some bowling and make pizza’s at the Bistro as their reward!
Band Concert at 6:30 pm in the church sanctuary.
Our students will get a sneak peak and learn some concert etiquette during the day.
Students who earned BONUS rewards for the Fun Run fundraiser, will get to “pie” a teacher/staff member in the face. We will be playing Pie Face. You earn the BONUS reward by bringing in over $150 during the Fun Run.
All Grades are due. So students must have all their assignments turned in and any “redos” completed.
Safety Patrol gets a pizza lunch at The Purple Goose from The Legion.
8th Grade Graduation & Kindergarten Graduation at 6:30 pm at the church. 6th-8th Grade will be singing during this service.
FUN RUN PRIZE REDO - Fingers crossed we won’t have any cancellations and will get our Fun Run Prize with obstacle courses Thursday!
Picnic Day - we enjoy lunch outside and Mr. Lane grills for the students.
Afternoon is Park Day for 5-8 & 3/4. They will get to hang out outside and enjoy the hopefully beautiful weather that is in store. K-2 does a water day!
Preschool LAST DAY.
Preschool Program at 7 pm in the Gym.
LAST DAY! We will check in like regular and head over to the church for closing chapel and awards ceremony. Parents are invited to come join us. School will be out at 11 am.
TODAY (5/20) is the last day to sign up through the button below if you need your child to stay at school after 11. They will need to pack a cold lunch if they need to stay.
Arriving at school before 8:10 am, please go through the gym unless you are a Preschool parent.
At the end of the day, please remain outside and wait for your student. They are released at 3:05 pm.
When picking up children for appointments, please report to the school office.
When a child is going to be absent or , please send a message via Procare (it gets to both the teacher AND the office) OR make sure you are sending a message to both the teacher and the office if not using Procare.
Children cannot be in the school outside of school hours without an adult present. If they are, it is defaulted that they are signed into SAC. There are many different circumstances and we will accommodate whenever necessary.
If you have anything to drop off, for students or teachers, please drop them in the office, not in the workroom. If Mr. Stockman or Jacqie are not available, leave a note if it is not clearly marked where it should go. We want to limit to the workroom to staff or volunteers only.
Order your school supplies at School Tool Box! Your order will be shipped directly to the school, in a keepsake box with your child’s name on it! When they arrive, they will be placed in their classroom in time for Orientation/Open House night! With every box purchased, a meal is supplied to children through Feed My Starving Children! You can even add items from a teacher’s wish list to your order! Wish lists are currently being created so keep an eye out!
REMINDER: Everyone is auto-enrolled for next year. You must notify the school IF YOU ARE NOT ATTENDING NEXT SCHOOL YEAR. You have until June 3rd to turn in registration fee/enrollment form. After June 3rd, all re-enrollment fees will be doubled except for New Family Enrollments.
Registration for fall will be all digital again! Keep an eye out for emails after school ends with more details.
May Choir Dates
Wed, May 22nd: 6-8 Choir at 6:30 pm Graduation Service
In May - We will collect money in chapel for our Adopt a Student fund. Every family is welcome to apply for Secret Angel Tuition Assistance through FACTS (fliers sent home regarding this with Enrollment Fee forms). But sometimes, things happen last minute for families or mid year or they need a little extra help and the Adopt-A-Student Fund is a way we can support families and lessen some of the financial burden in times of need. We raised $80.65 for Adopt A Student so far. Thank you for your blessings.
VBS JULY 22 - 26th.
Click the image below to register!
REMINDER: If your child is in Summer SAC - make sure you sign them up for VBS! They will all be going.
You can also check out the Google Calendar under Parents > School Calendar to subscribe.
Southwest Minnesota State University - Marshall, MN
K-4 Boys and K-9 Girls basketball camps offered this summer!
Click on the photo to sign up and more information or you can contact the SMSU Women’s Assistant coach for more details: or 507-848-4065
Payments in PROCARE IS NOW LIVE! You now have the option to pay by card within the Procare App for SAC or WAC! Paying by card will have an added processing fee. You also are able to pay via the where you all registered for school. Auto payment via ACH is now also an option for SAC or WAC payments. We will expand it for tuition and lunch for next school year.