September 5th, 2023
Principal Corner
This summer we had a long dry spell and most lawns dried up. I noticed in my yard, the grass was brown but there were some things that were green, it was the weeds. I started to think about that and saw the parallel with our own lives. Jesus says, “I am the water of life.” To keep our faith and relationship with God green and growing, it needs to be watered. We water our souls when we read God’s word, attend worship, pray and read devotions. But when we do not do those things, the green starts to turn brown and yes, then the weeds take root and start to grow. The unwanted things in our heart and mind could be many things. Thoughts of jealousy, insecurity, unrighteous anger, and many other things. Just as the rain turned our lawns green, going to the source of the water of life will help us to keep our hearts and souls as fertile ground for the growth of our faith. And it will help keep us focused on God and His plans for our life.
Questions for Parents to ask your student about their school day.
Want to engage in conversation now that your kid is busy with school each day? Here are some great ways to ask them!
Tell me about the best part of your day.
What was the hardest thing you had to do today?
Did any of your classmates do anything funny?
Tell me about what you read in class.
Who did you play with today? What did you play?
What's the biggest difference between this year and last year?
What rules are different at school than our rules at home? Do you think they're fair?
Who did you sit with at lunch?
Can you show me something you learned (or did) today?
Do you think math [or any subject] is too easy or too hard?
15th Annual Fun Run Fundraiser - Let’s Glow - TLS FUN RUN
Sept 22nd, 12:45-2:45
At last Friday’s Kickoff, all students were given an informational letter and sponsor sheet. Be sure to gather your pledges from friends and family!
Students may obtain pledges per lap or donations. On the day of the Fun Run, they will run laps around the playground while listening to music and Living the Light! Our goal this year is to have 100% student participation and to raise $20,500. Monies raised help pay for many items needed for our students.
PTL will provide a free water bottle to each student and will sell treats and Gatorade at a concessions stand.
Volunteers will be needed. Check out the SignUp Genius that was sent out to sign up where you can help: Fun Run
We hope you can join us for this fun event!
Be Ready for Some Fun at the FUN RUN!!!
NWEA Measures of Academic Progress® (MAP®) Testing will take place on and off from September 11-22 for grades K-8. Please be sure your children have healthy breakfasts and adequate sleep. A pep talk about not rushing and reading through the questions carefully would also be appreciated!
MAP Testing presents students with engaging, age-appropriate content. As a student responds to questions, the test responds to the student, adjusting up or down in difficulty. As students answer a question correctly, they get a question of higher difficulty. If the students do not correctly answer the question, the next question will be a little lower in difficulty. Through this process, we will get a better idea of what the student knows. This results in a rewarding experience for the student, and a wealth of detailed information for teachers, parents, and administrators.
UPCOMING EVENTS!!! See Calendar below! You can also check out the Google Calendar under Parents > School Calendar to subscribe.