March 12th, 2025

Principal Corner

At times life feels like we are in the middle of a storm. Being tossed to and fro and not knowing if we will make it through. At these times we should always turn to God and seek his help, comfort and grace. Sometimes God will calm the storms around us like he did for the disciples on the sea of Galilee. At other times, God lets the storms continue to rage around us, but He calms us. I had that experience when they found I had a large mass in my abdomen. Going into surgery with the surgeons, not sure of what (besides the mass) would have to be removed. I was calm. I slept well the night before; I made it through the 6-hour surgery with probably the best possible outcome and my recovery was fairly painless. God calmed me from that storm and brought me to a place I could be healed. So when life has you feeling like you are in the middle of the storm, pray to God for help, but realize it might not be the storm that gets calmed, He may just calm you.

Congrats Lochran Sheehy

We had a wonderful spelling bee competition ending with Lochran Sheehy in 2nd Grade winning our TLS Spelling Bee. Calvin Roberts, also 2nd Grade, came in 2nd and Agnes Wolff received 3rd Place. Congrats you three! Thanks to all the parents that came and all our other participants!

1st Grade: Phoenix Lord & Ember Wright

2nd Grade: Lochran Sheehy & Calvin Roberts

3rd Grade: Payton Simon & Ayda Schuft

4th Grade: Agnes Wolff & Emma Manthe

5th Grade: Cadence Britton & James Malzahn

6th Grade: Alese Wolff & Louis Ziemke

7th Grade: Tenley Sprengeler & Ryder Britton

8th Grade: Ava Trahms & Samuel Hoehn


SEE below for more information about an event coming up at the TLS Gym!


Click the poster below to be taken to the links! OR just login to your account and you’ll see the registration available there!


  • LUTHERAN SCHOOLS WEEK - Donuts With Dads from 7-8:10 am & Spelling Bee AT 9 AM on Friday, March 7th


  • CHOIR DATES have been added to the Google Calendar and the interactive calendar below. 6-8 Choir in April, 3-5 Choir in May.

  • PTL BINGO NIGHT - Friday, March 14, 2025 - see flier above

  • FIELD TRIP 7TH & 8TH GRADE - iFly Minneapolis, Wednesday, March 19th.

  • PARENT DRIVE DAY - NO BUS - Friday, March 21st. End of 3rd Quarter

  • NO SCHOOL MONDAY MARCH 24TH - beginning of 4th Quarter.

  • SAVE THE DATE - TRIBUTE TO TRINITY WILL BE FRIDAY APRIL 4th - Lots of fun and service hours can be attained by being a part of the committee. Anyone interested in joining the committee for Tribute to Trinity should contact the school.

  • PTL ALL SCHOOL DANCE - Friday, April 11th.

  • SOUTHERN MN LUTHERAN SCHOOL SPELLING BEE - in Truman, MN on Saturday, April 26th.

  • PTL PENNY WARS - April 28th - May 2nd - more details to come.

  • GRANDPARENTS DAY - May 2, 2025

  • FIELD TRIPS IN MAY - details as we get closer!


  • SUMMER CARE REGISTRATION IS OPEN - Summer Care starts Monday, June 2nd for both our SAC Summer Camp & our Preschool Summer Program!

Recruitment Team for TLS

Hello fellow parents!  I am looking for a few enthusiastic Trinity-lovin’ cheerleaders to help me carry out a student recruitment plan to reach out to local churches on Sunday mornings during the next few months.  I envision a schedule where each week, a few parents go to a local church service and setup the TLS board in the back, pass out a swag bag to kids as they arrive for church, and stay after the service to engage people in conversations about Trinity.  

But I need your help…

Duties include:

-contacting local churches

-setting up a schedule 

-organizing volunteers for each service

-creating and assembling swag bags


Please pray on this and if it is in your heart to help in anyway, please contact me, Kristin Ziemke, at


Increasing our enrollment is essential to keeping tuition at an affordable rate. But ultimately, it’s about making sure every family knows about Trinity and has the opportunity to send their child to a faith based school where their kiddo can learn of the life saving love of Jesus!   

REMEMBER: Don’t send your kid to school sick!

With it being that time of year, where illness is going around, please give your kids the time they need to recover at home. Not only is this better for them, it keeps the virus they have from spreading to other students. It doesn’t feel fair that your kid is ill but if you can help prevent the spread, that is helpful. Keep in mind our illness policy. It can be found on the website under the Parent tab and also in our handbook.

TLS Illness Policies

Wondering when you can send your child to school if they have been sick?

If you can answer “No” to all of the following questions, then they are able to come back. If you have any questions, please contact the school office:

Has the student…..

  • had a fever of 100 degrees or higher in the last 24 hours?

  • taken fever reducing medication in the last 24 hours?

  • had diarrhea in the last 24 hours?

  • had any vomiting in the last 24 hours?

  • taken any medication to help reduce diarrhea or vomiting in the last 24 hours?

  • been given a medication by the doctor for any of the following: pink eye, strep throat, or contagious rashes in less than 24 hours?

  • tested positive for COVID within the last 5 days?

Calling all FB users. We need your help!  You will notice that we are beefing up our Facebook presence (Instagram soon) and while we work hard to put the content up, it’s you that can make the REAL difference. When you see TLS posts, please take a minute to LIKE, COMMENT on, or SHARE  the content. Every time you engage with our FB page it spreads our message further and further.  We have something so special here at Trinity and we want everyone to know about it. 






Great Communication Tool + More

A lot of staff and parents love using Procare. It’s a great communication tool AND it serves multiple purposes for staff and behind the scenes tracking. It is the required sign in and out needed for our Childcare/Preschool and our SAC programs. It is a great way to calculate and bill and get other invoices paid from families! It has helped streamline many processes for us. One this it is not, is an EMERGENT messaging system. Please, and this has always been the case, if you have a last minute change or message to get to your children, try to call the school and do not be afraid to leave a message. A Procare message is not an alert system for last minute changes. We want our teachers teaching, not staring at their phones for notifications constantly. We encourage you to use it for everything else.

Parent Service Hours

Trinity Lutheran School would not run or function without our families and all your hard work! We strive on showing our students a great work ethic and a drive to help and volunteer! Because of this, we ask that each family completes 10 hours of volunteer hours throughout the school year (if you only have a child in the Preschool, we only ask you complete 5 hours). Many events put on by PTL, Athletics and just helping around at the school provide plenty of opportunity to help out! Please don’t hesitate to check out the volunteer page on the website:





Where do you turn to know if a movie, book or other media is appropriate for my child? One place you can check is Common Sense Media, the website lists age levels for books, TV, movies, games podcasts and apps. Check it out at the link.



IF you are not picking your child up and someone else on your list is, please let us know ahead of time so we can get them a door code. If you did not get a code and your child is not a regular, please contact the office for a code BEFORE your child will be attending SAC.

Preschool Parents, PLEASE USE YOUR code before school (before 8:10 am) and after school (after 3:15 pm). The teachers should not and cannot leave the students they are in charge of to open the door. This is why we got a code system, to increase safety in our before and after school programs.


  • When calling the school, please leave a voicemail if we don’t answer. If the phone is not answered, we are on another call or just a few minutes away from the phone. Voicemail is something that gets checked immediately up return to the office.

  • If you arrive or your children arrive after 8:20, please have them report to the office. We still appreciate them getting signed in with the Procare App but we need a report to the office first. Thankyou.

  • Please be mindful and help reduce interruptions. If you arrive at the school - go to the office. We will grab the student or deliver an item or message. You may think it’s just a quick visit or you are doing no harm, but a small view of a visitor causes more disruption than you can imagine. Please be respectful and check in with the office, even if the class or teacher, knows you are coming.

  • Make sure you are notifying the school via Procare or email that your child is leaving early ahead of time or will be absent. We can coordinate best and make the most of your time if we can plan ahead. Middle school schedules are very different than they have been so knowing ahead of time will help reduce delays for everyone.

  • Jacqie leaves for a break between 11:15 - 12:00 every day. Please try to avoid stopping by at those times if you can help it. If you do, please be patient and wait outside while she answers the doorbell and talks to you via the intercom. Sometimes directions need to be given or information needs to be gathered, so please do not expect other staff to open the door for you. They have their own jobs, caring for their students.

  • If you are here to pick up your children early or have something to drop off to them, please help minimize interruptions in the classroom by stopping by the office. Same goes with dropping things off for teachers, please stop in the office.

  • Please wait outside the school until 3:05 pm and have your children come to you EXCEPT for Preschool parents.

  • Make sure that you are paying Tuition in separate payments from SAC/WAC care. Tuition is reported differently than childcare for taxes. Therefore we ask you do not lump them together when making payments so that we can accurately report your totals at the end of the year. Preschool however, is reportable on taxes as a childcare expense.

Share Your Photos

We are always on the lookout for photos to put in the yearbook and you could’ve captured a great one! Below are the links to add photos to two of our Google Photo Albums! One for the Fun Run and one for everything else! Please don’t hesitate to share! We can always use more photos in the yearbook! This is for staff and parents!

SAC - School Age Care

Welcome back! We are excited to provide care for your kiddos after school this year.  SAC hours are from 3:05-5:30pm.  Snack and homework help will be provided daily for kids who are here after 4 pm.  When picking up, look for the posted sign on the side sac entrance so you can find our location.

What is SAC? SAC is before and after school care for all students, K-8. (Preschool has a separate before and after program, because they have their own childcare license). If you signed up for it during registration, you are all set! You just need to let us know if your child is a regular or not and we have heard from most of you.

If you did not sign up for SAC, here some more information:

  • AM SAC - just give us a heads up you’ll be using it and show up! AM SAC is from 7:00 am - 7:45 AM. Enter through the gym doors and please sign your child in using the Procare App. ALL students should enter through the gym doors if at school before 8:10 am.

  • PM SAC - We are available, but because it is after school, with limited staff, we still need to be in a safe student/adult ratio. We request, wherever possible, it be asked about your child getting added to PM SAC a week prior so we can ensure to have enough staff, deadline the Friday before the week you request your child to attend. We do understand that some things happen last minute and we will always try to accommodate. Please check with the school office before you send your child to SAC.

UPCOMING EVENTS!!! See Calendar below! You can also check out the Google Calendar under Parents > School Calendar to subscribe.




Contact Tim Engel for more information. They need drivers for regular routes and possibilities for more hours with other trips!

Tim Engel
JWP - Site Manager
(o) 507.481.6678


March 19th, 2025


March 6th, 2025