September 12th, 2024
Principal Corner
As I write this, I am getting ready to leave for 3 days and 2 nights with our 7th and 8th grade students at Camp Omega. I get to sleep in a cabin on a thin mattress with a dozen or more middle school boys, with no air conditioning. My fall allergies are starting to kick in and I have to remember to bring all my medications I take. Yes, I am old. I will spend these days away from my family, while still trying to get everything ready at school for while I am gone. So why do it? It would be easier to stay at home, in air conditioning, in my regular routine. I do it to give our 7th and 8th grade students an experience I hope they will remember and hopefully learn from. They will get opportunities to do things that we could not do at school. It will give them a chance to enjoy fellowship with each other, away from technology, and to enjoy the beautiful outdoors God has blessed us with, here in Minnesota. I do it, so that they will have an experience that will help them grow in leadership, experiences and God willing, help them grow closer to God. It will also give them opportunities to interact with the students of two other Lutheran schools, and help them realize they are part of a bigger community of believers all brought together by the one true God and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
FUN RUN - Keep collecting donations! Turn in your first $50 or have someone donate online by Friday, Sept 13th. ALL KIDS will get a shirt. Make sure to write your donations on your tracking sheet and turn them in on Sept 30th. (Psst, you can collect more donations after the Fun Run too!)
Sports games are coming! See below to sign up for concession stand shifts for Parent Service Hours. - Sign Ups will be available Soon-
The interactive calendar is slowly getting updated. Lots of other things that are more pressing have been needing Jacqie’s attention. Google calendar has everything on it.
Make sure you are notifying the school via Procare or email that your child is leaving early ahead of time or will be absent. We can coordinate best and make the most of your time if we can plan ahead. Middle school schedules are very different than they have been so knowing ahead of time will help reduce delays for everyone.
If you are here to pick up your children early or have something to drop off to them, please help minimize interruptions in the classroom by stopping by the office. Same goes with dropping things off for teachers, please stop in the office.
Please wait outside the school until 3:05 pm and have your children come to you EXCEPT for Preschool parents.
Make sure that you are paying Tuition in separate payments from SAC/WAC care. Tuition is reported differently than childcare for taxes. Therefore we ask you do not lump them together when making payments so that we can accurately report your totals at the end of the year. Preschool however, is reportable on taxes as a childcare expense.
16th Annual Fun Run Fundraiser - MUSTACHE DASH
Sept 20th, 12:45-2:45
At last Friday’s Kickoff, all students were given an informational letter and sponsor sheet. Be sure to gather your pledges from friends and family!
Students may obtain pledges per lap or donations. On the day of the Fun Run, they will run laps around the playground while listening to music and dashing with a fun smile and mustache! I MUSTACHE YOU TO DASH! Our goal this year is to have 100% student participation and to raise $22,000. Monies raised help pay for many items needed for our students.
PTL will provide a free water bottle to each student and will sell treats and Gatorade at a concessions stand.
Volunteers will be needed. Check out the SignUp Genius that was sent out to sign up where you can help: Fun Run
We hope you can join us for this fun event!
Be Ready for Some Fun at the FUN RUN!!!
Thank you our local Cardinal gear retailer for making our Fun Run Shirts! You can stop there anytime to get some great TLS Cardinal gear!
If any adults would like a Fun Run shirt, you can order here:
Our prayers were answered with a wonderful full staff this year! All our teachers were rededicated during the 10:15 service on Sunday, the 8th.
SAC - School Age Care
Welcome back! We are excited to provide care for your kiddos after school this year. SAC hours are from 3:05-5:30pm. Snack and homework help will be provided daily for kids who are here after 4 pm. When picking up, look for the posted sign on the side sac entrance so you can find our location.
What is SAC? SAC is before and after school care for all students, K-8. (Preschool has a separate before and after program, because they have their own childcare license). If you signed up for it during registration, you are all set! You just need to let us know if your child is a regular or not and we have heard from most of you.
If you did not sign up for SAC, here some more information:
AM SAC - just give us a heads up you’ll be using it and show up! AM SAC is from 7:00 am - 7:45 AM. Enter through the gym doors and please sign your child in using the Procare App. ALL students should enter through the gym doors if at school before 8:10 am.
PM SAC - We are available, but because it is after school, with limited staff, we still need to be in a safe student/adult ratio. We request, wherever possible, it be asked about your child getting added to PM SAC a week prior so we can ensure to have enough staff. We do understand that some things happen last minute and we will always try to accommodate. Please check with the school office before you send your child to SAC.
Looking for some more small, portable keyboards (piano) for the piano lessons that Mrs. Ziemke is providing to our 4th Grade Class. Contact the school please if you have any or know of anyone that does! Thank you!
Picture Day
Order forms for picture day are available at the school OR click on the image above to subscribe to Strawbridge and order your pictures online!
Hy-Vee Receipts
Earn money for your school by keeping and dropping off your Hy-Vee receipts! They can only be dated 9/1/24-6/1/25. They can only be from the two Mankato locations. More information and frequently asked questions about what is accepted by clicking on the Hy-Vee logo. For the 2023-2024 School year, we earned just over $400 because of Hy-Vee Receipts! That money goes to the school and activities for the students!
NWEA Measures of Academic Progress® (MAP®) Testing will take place on and off from September 16-27 for grades K-8. Please be sure your children have healthy breakfasts and adequate sleep. A pep talk about not rushing and reading through the questions carefully would also be appreciated!
MAP Testing presents students with engaging, age-appropriate content. As a student responds to questions, the test responds to the student, adjusting up or down in difficulty. As students answer a question correctly, they get a question of higher difficulty. If the students do not correctly answer the question, the next question will be a little lower in difficulty. Through this process, we will get a better idea of what the student knows. This results in a rewarding experience for the student, and a wealth of detailed information for teachers, parents, and administrators.
UPCOMING EVENTS!!! See Calendar below! You can also check out the Google Calendar under Parents > School Calendar to subscribe.
Parent Service Hours
Trinity Lutheran School would not run or function without our families and all your hard work! We strive on showing our students a great work ethic and a drive to help and volunteer! Because of this, we ask that each family completes 10 hours of volunteer hours throughout the school year (if you only have a child in the Preschool, we only ask you complete 5 hours). Many events put on by PTL, Athletics and just helping around at the school provide plenty of opportunity to help out! Please don’t hesitate to check out the volunteer page on the website:
Fall Festival, October 12th from 12-3pm. PTL will be serving a meal plus games which include balloon darts, 3-legged race, and cakewalk. Please see the Sign-Up Genius for ways you can help make this a fun event for the kids...more details to come.
Feed the Farmer, November 3rd from, 10-12pm, we are looking for those that can help get 2 Thrivent cards.
Meal for Parent/Teacher Conferences, November 5th. The teachers have a long day that first day of conferences which doesn't allow time to have a decent meal. We are looking for a few people to make a dish.
Please see the Sign-Up Geniuses which are located on the school's website under Parents and then Volunteer.
If you are able to help or have any questions, please contact Tina Schoenfeld.