January 22, 2024
Principal Corner
I have my shortcomings. Sometimes it is hard to admit that. The good news is that Jesus loves us as we are, including our shortcomings and flaws. He will not love us more if we read the Bible more, or are a better Christian, His love is unconditional to all our circumstances. But, when we have God in our lives and in our heart, he is not content to leave us where he found us. He will work in our hearts to change us to more like Jesus. It is a lot like my marriage. Mrs. Stockman married me even with my shortcomings, but she will remind me when I do not do the things I should. It can be frustrating at times, but she is usually right, and it has made me a better person. If humans can do that for each other, think of what God can do for you. God loves us as we are, but He desires to work in us to make us who He created us to be.
JAN 26th & 27th
The TLS PTL us a HUGE FACTOR in this tournament running smoothly. They take care of the ticket taking and the concessions and we need all hands on deck to make this successful! The more help = the more funds we raise = the more benefits for the students and school from the PTL! This is our best fundraiser every year and we need all of YOU to make it successful! Sign up below and get your service hours fulfilled!
With our basketball tournament starting Friday, we encourage you to show some school spirit this THURSDAY! We will have a small pep fest in the afternoon to kick off the festivities of our annual tournament! Wear Cardinal Gear OR wear RED! GO CARDS!
You can view illness guidelines as
well as cold & hot weather guidelines!
The annual Accelerated Reader Challenge for all students in grades 1-8 began today and will end on March 1st. This challenge is a healthy competition with other schools in the United States, whose purpose is to provide an incentive and motivation for our children at Lutheran Schools to read more, get smarter and have fun! Reading can occur anywhere the children are…at home, at school, in the car, etc. Please encourage your child to READY EVERY DAY to the best of their ability. Set time aside for them to read and even for you to listen to them read. AR Website: If you check out books at the public library, or have other books at home, now you can check to see if they’re an AR book. The website you can use is http://www.arbookfind.com/advanced.aspx . You can do a Quick Search by the title or author. Keep in mind that if the book is part of a series, and the series name is part of the title, it is often easier to search by the author.
5th - 8th Grade families all received an email last week with more details. We are hoping to incorporate it into the curriculum for 5th & 6th Grade in the upcoming school year, but for now we are ecstatic to be able to offer our own band introduction.
If any 5th -8th Grade parent missed the email, please fill out this form to sign your student up for band: TLS BAND SIGN UP
Sign up Due by Feb 2nd.
Do you or does someone you know have any old band instruments lying around? Wanna dust them off and donate it to our NEW BAND PROGRAM? Contact the school if you have one or know someone that would donate one.
Now that we have snow, we want to remind everyone that we do let the kids sled down our hill during recess, BUT they can only use soft bottom or rollup sleds. This will help reduce injuries and speed because we are not wanting to set land speed records on the playground.
Trinity Silent Auction Sunday, March 3rd
The auction is run by the school with monies going to help defray the cost of the school and keep tuition at around 1/3 of the actual cost to educate a child at Trinity.
It is a BIG event for the school and we need volunteers for the following:
A few people to oversee the auction. Records from
past auctions will help guide you.
Make a personal contact for a donation from business owners you know
Help Mail letters to businesses to ask for donations.
Make Follow up calls to letters mailed to businesses.
Pickup donations in the surrounding towns
Set Up & Take down of Auction
Auction day: help with various tasks, including checking people out at the end of the auction and calling auction winners.
If you own a business and have an item to donate, please contact the school.
Please contact the school office if you can help in any way.
February Choir Dates
Sat, Feb 3rd : 3-5 Choir @ 6:30 Service
Wed, Feb 7th: 6-8 Choir @ 6:30 Service
Sun, Feb 18th : K-2 Choir @ 10:15 Service
Limited to Water
Please, help keep our students from bringing anything but water to school. We have had a few instances of messes created because of open containers like cans of pop, etc. We would prefer, that only water is brought to school. This also allows opportunity for earning other beverages among the students. For growing children and adults, water is essential and we should push good daily hydration . We ask again that only water be brought from home by students from now on. In fact, we encourage drinking water throughout the day!
Did you know you could earn money for our school and toward your tuition? Did you know it’s as easy as purchasing gift cards for things you likely are already spending money on like gas and groceries? With RaiseRight (formerly Scrip) you can do that! They also are great for Christmas gifts and stocking stuffers! We have lots of $5 & $10 for Barnes & Noble and Starbucks available at the school.
How does it work? We purchase gift cards at a discount and pass along the savings to you in the form of tuition credit. We have physical cards at the school, the order form (Click HERE) shows what we typically have on hand. You can send in your order with your student or send an email or stop in the school office.
Earn from anywhere! There is also a website and app! You can get instant access to E Cards right at your fingertips! You can also order physical gift cards to pick up at the school. Even family and friends can support our school by using the website or app wherever they are!
Check out more information here: https://www.raiseright.com/
To sign up and link our school, enter the School Enrollment Code: F6CE27485255
In January, we are collecting for Lutheran’s for Life. In the past, we have had a contest throughout the month and collect in two different baby bottles to see who collects more, the boys or the girls, in each class. This year is no different. The baby bottles have been distributed and the students will have a little friendly competition to see whose can contain more money.
Clothing for Cold Weather
What to wear when the weather turns cold? Here are the guidelines we use to determine what the students should wear outside. Be advised that we are very firm on these rules, so please make sure that your child has the appropriate clothing that is needed.
Below 55, they need long sleeves.
Below 50, they need a sweatshirt or jacket.
Below 40, they need a winter coat, head covering (hat, headband or earmuffs, NOT just a hood), and gloves or mittens. If they do not have the correct type of coat, or head covering, they will need to borrow from someone else, or use something from the Lost and Found. We do not have kids stay inside unless they are sick.
To play in the snow, they must also have snow pants and boots. They will need to stand on the sidewalk if they do not have either of these items.
If it is muddy outside, we will require the students to wear boots, even if there is no snow. This is to make sure we don’t track a lot of dirt into the classrooms.
SLEDS that are soft/foam or roll up may be brought and left at school.
EVERYONE should have a pair of tennis shoes that stays at school for gym class and if they forget their shoes.
School Closings and Delays
Note that we follow the JWP Schedule, so if you see they are off, we will be following suit.
Emails: TLS will send an email to parents to the email address supplied to the school.
Procare: A Message will be sent out via Procare. Even if you don’t have the app, you should still receive an email with the message.
Text Alerts: Sign up on the KARE 11 and KSTP ABC 5.
Posted on TV Websites: KARE 11, KMSP FOX 9, KSTP ABC 5, and KEYC News 12.
Join Stefanie Hinman author of "Building Bounce with Kids" Feb. 3 from 9-noon. Stefanie is a certified Christian Counselor and Art Therapist and is the founder of Healing Expressions LLC where she works with individuals, families, schools and organizations in the areas of trauma healing and recovery, crisis intervention and building resilient kids, families and communities. She will be speaking on how to build strong and healthy attachments, walk with your child(ren) through difficult emotions and help them return to safe, calm and connected with you. GET TICKETS HERE
You can also check out the Google Calendar under Parents > School Calendar to subscribe.
100th Day of School Feb 7th
MSU Theater Performance
KINDERGARTEN ROUND UP Feb 20th! Know anyone who would love our school and is starting Kindergarten in the fall? Let us know and we will send them some information!
4th Grade NAEP Testing
With our Preschool now licensed, we want to start getting an idea of who needs care this summer! We will be able to offer care to Preschool age as well as School Age students!
Required to be attending Preschool FALL 2024.
Please fill out the form IF YOU WILL NEED CARE so we can start planning.
Payments in PROCARE IS NOW LIVE! You now have the option to pay by card within the Procare App for SAC or WAC! Paying by card will have an added processing fee. You also are able to pay via the MyProcare.com where you all registered for school. Auto payment via ACH is now also an option for SAC or WAC payments. More information sent via email to all the current SAC or WAC families. We will expand it for tuition and lunch for next school year.
All End of Year Statements for taxes for SAC or WAC charges in 2023 have been mailed out. Please watch your mail for those. All tax information regarding tuition will be sent from the church in the month of January, so keep an eye out for those as well.
Arriving at school before 8:10 am, please go through the gym unless you are a Preschool parent.
At the end of the day, please remain outside and wait for your student. They are released at 3:05 pm.
When a child is going to be absent, please send a message via Procare (it gets to both the teacher AND the office) OR make sure you are sending a message to both the teacher and the office if not using Procare.